Following a grand performance by world renowned Paul Taylor Dance Company at Dance at Dusk at the Music Center, featuring the choreographed story telling, full of movement and emotion, set to old world jazz; it’s only natural to feel the need to dance yourself, once the performers take their final bow.
A perfect time actually for a free Concert Experience featuring Jens Lindemann, making for a lovely way to spend a great summer evening with a free jazz concert under the stars.
World-renowned musician Jens Lindemann takes you on a journey from Jazz to Contemporary, Classical to Klezmer, Spirituals to Rock! The Grammy-nominated virtuoso, who has performed at New York’s Carnegie Hall, and in London, Berlin, Moscow and Tokyo, offers a musical treat switching from trumpet, piccolo trumpet and flugelhorn like you have never seen or heard before.
Guest enjoy light bites, a no-host bar and the beautiful expanse of Jerry Moss Plaza at The Music Center as we kick off the summer and celebrate the return of live performance!
Jens Lindemann brings in heavy hitters Matt Catingub on keys, Kevin Axt on bass and Christian Euman on drums with joyful music and a charismatic stage presence, making it easy for most of us to get up and dance – especially now that Gavin Newson says it’s okay!!! (Haha!!! Good one Jens!!!)
Free concerts at the park featuring Jens Lindemann take place between June 16-June 20th at 8:45pm.