DTLA Senior Citizen Month
Posted in #SurvivingDTLA Gray Pride

Golden Years or Tarnished Ride: Can Metro Keep Seniors Safe on Public Transit?

Aging is difficult for a number of reasons and is experienced very individually. Some resent the act of getting older while others believe it’s a gift and should be celebrated. In addition to wrinkles and arthritis, depending on what community one lives in, aging might also mean losing your independence when it comes to getting from A to B, and more importantly, doing so safely.
Just a little over a decade ago catching the bus wasn’t only challenging for younger adults. Drivers would pass by and not stop at the designated bus station, leaving the passenger stranded and confused until the arrival of the next vehicle. 
Something had to change and Metro delivered.

Free food for seniors
Posted in Gray Pride Health & Beauty

Grab and Go Partnerships and Online Classes Spark Senior Citizen Revolution

Revolution Foods is one of California’s largest providers of healthy meals to communities in need….