After 29 years in Skid Row, the transition of People’s Market from its Korean-owned roots into the cradle of a black-led grassroots organization is a poignant benchmark and a timely reminder of the important and interchanging roles of peace, healing, and justice in community. – Creating Justice, LA
Further addressing food insecurity while maintaining and providing community jobs and mutual aid in the Skid Row community, Creating Justice LA has just announced that beginning January 10th, the non-profit organization, with its mission to inspire and encourage artists to create art that uplifts culture and society, will purchase Skid Row People’s Market, a previously privately owned family grocery store headed by Skid Row advocate Danny Park.
Photo courtesy: Skid Row People’s Market
Skid Row People’s Market is a neighborhood grocery shop known for combining their convenience store business model with grassroots community organizing. Responding to food apartheid and the lack of healthy food outlets in Skid Row, People’s Market has spent three decades fostering local partnerships and fortifying community reinvestment practices in support of a long-lasting regenerative economy.
Photo courtesy: Creative Justice LA
Skid Row People’s Market owner, Danny Park is also the beloved owner of Skid Row Coffee and one of the partners at the Creating Justice LA Peace and Healing Center located at 116 East 5th Street.
After deciding to sell the family business, Park wanted to make sure to keep the ownership in the community. This would mean that it would fully fall under the wing of Creating Justice, LA, and the non-profit would assume full responsibility and ownership.
Photo courtesy: location: Creative Justice Center
Since Creating Justice LA opened its Peace and Healing Center in late May of last year, the non-profit has served to help transform communities by prioritizing peace, healing, and equity. Every day, they offer free coffee and conversation, curated music and art, free clothing, food, and a performance space.
Photo courtesy: Skid Row Coffee
Fostering social and economic health and innovation, after only seven months, the center says they’ve already outgrown their current space at 116 E. 5th, Street. Regardless, the center has become the new home of Skid Row Coffee, now that the Skid Row Coffee four-year residency at the LA Library has come to an end.
Skid Row People’s Market is located at 453 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA 90013. For more information or to donate to the cause, visit www.CreatingJustice.LA.