The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit for eligible workers and families with low to moderate-income. Those who qualify for EITC and/or Cal EITC and claim the credits could pay less in taxes or even get a tax refund up to $8,000. There are Federal EITC (EITC) and California EITC (Cal EITC).
The eligibility and qualifying amount are based on the income, filing status, and the number of qualifying children in the tax year. People without qualifying children or dependents may also qualify.
If you qualify for Cal EITC and have a child under the age of 6 as of the end of the tax year, you may qualify for an additional $1,000 through Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC).
You can still get back those tax credits going back up to 3 years if you missed them and were eligible, but you must file or amend your previous tax returns to claim them.
Great News! The eligibility of Cal EITC and YCTC extend to all qualified non-residents who file 2020 taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number (SSN). ITIN filers don’t need to provide supporting identification information to file tax returns and claim CalEITC/YCTC.
California provides the Golden State Stimulus Payment of $600 or $1,200 to all taxpayers who receive Cal EITC and/or file taxes with an ITIN on the 2020 tax return.
To get free tax filing service at a location near you, use the VITA/TCE locator at https://rebrand.ly/dtwftbvita21. If you’re 60 years old or above, you can use Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) at no cost.
Get Up To $8,000 Back On Your Taxes & Golden State Stimulus Payment of $600 or $1,200
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a refundable tax credit for eligible workers and families with low to moderate-income. Those who qualify for EITC and/or Cal EITC and claim the credits could pay less in taxes or even get a tax refund up to $8,000. There are Federal EITC (EITC) and California EITC (Cal EITC).
The eligibility and qualifying amount are based on the income, filing status, and the number of qualifying children in the tax year. People without qualifying children or dependents may also qualify.
If you qualify for Cal EITC and have a child under the age of 6 as of the end of the tax year, you may qualify for an additional $1,000 through Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC).
You can still get back those tax credits going back up to 3 years if you missed them and were eligible, but you must file or amend your previous tax returns to claim them.
Great News! The eligibility of Cal EITC and YCTC extend to all qualified non-residents who file 2020 taxes with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security Number (SSN). ITIN filers don’t need to provide supporting identification information to file tax returns and claim CalEITC/YCTC.
California provides the Golden State Stimulus Payment of $600 or $1,200 to all taxpayers who receive Cal EITC and/or file taxes with an ITIN on the 2020 tax return.
If you’re 60 years old or above, you can use Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) at no cost.