The Historic Core Strikes Again…Just in time for horror movie season, but this time, the suspense isn’t on the big screen, oh no…
On October 8th, a murderous serial killer was on the loose, making his way from Broadway and 7th to the Sante Fe Lofts in the Historic Core after an unsuccessful attempt to grab a gun from a security guard, high jack a commuter, shoot and attempt to kill a 14-year-old kid, and unsuccesfully unjam a pistol.
Newly identified Rudy Anderson and now very deceased desperado managed to make his way inside the Sante Fe Lofts on 6th and Main, taking a young woman hostage while barricading himself inside her apartment.
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It was only when S.W.A.T., privileged members of LAPD’s super-elite task force armed with all types of tactical armor and weaponry, blew the entire door in half, entered the apartment and shot the crazed killer, did the pandemonium finally come to an end.
However, this particular incident would not die with a rumor or the armed marauder laying dead on the apartment floor with multiple gunshot wounds, oh no. This participator incident happened to take place in full view of neighbors located directly across the road, thanks to the loft’s large bay windows and a couple’s steady cell phone camera.
This murderous rampage ended with a flashbang, a panicked suspect, members of S.W.A.T. making their way inside, and a barrage of bullets for all the world to see. Even neighbors upstairs and below can now be streamed across the globe showing their panicked reactions to the flash bangs and gunshots, proving once again there will never be a shortage of trauma in Downtown Los Angeles. But for our hard-core Downtown dwellers, we all know we will stick by our city, for better or for worse, sickness and in health until death do us part.